TIER 2 Licence (Skilled worker) visa UK

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What is a tier 2 licence?

A tier 2 licence, is a sponsor licence. Which allows businesses in the UK to employ skilled employees which are overseas. Therefore, the business will need to hold a tier 2 sponsor licence, in order to be allowed, to sponsor employees for their business from overseas. The licence will have to be approved by the Home Office, then it will be valid for over a period of four years.

Eligibility Criteria

Being eligible means, your business, will have to be lawfully operating in the UK only. However, if your business has many other branches, then you will need to apply for only one licence which covers for all your branches. Furthermore, you will need to provide evidence that of all your branches are registered appropriately, while applying for the licence.

The Home Office will also need to be satisfied that your business, provides a genuine employment in the required field and you will pay the correct amount of salary to the overseas employees.

Your business, may also need to take into account that, you are ready to commit to all of the duties associated to being a sponsor licence holder.

The Sponsor License Compliance Audit covers all areas of sponsorship compliance, including the challenging areas of


Accountancy firms


IT companies


Beauty parlour

IT companies

Mechanical garages

Business consultancy

Import and export companies

E-commerce businesses


Cost of sponsor licence application

The fees for a sponsor licence are dependent on the type of business that you hold. You can, pay every time, the licence renews, which is every four years. The fees are reviewed by the Home Office annually. The fees are required between £536-£1500 depending on the type of business you hold.


The process, requires the business to submit an application form online, along with evidence of your business operating in the UK. The business will also need to submit four essential documents with the application form. The documents that need to be included are:

  • Businesses bank statement within 3 months
  • Evidence of ownership of the business
  • Evidence of registration with HMRC
  • Certificate of VAT registration
  • Businesses latest financial records
  • Employers liability insurance

Advantages of a sponsor licence

The advantages of a sponsor licence, is that, overseas skilled employee's talent increases the opportunity of casting the businesses net wider.

It not only gives the business the opportunity to work with, employees with international standards, the labour is cheaper when overseas employees come to work. Low labour costs impact the businesses profitability.

Diversity plays a key role in any business; therefore, the business can look at problems and think of business solutions in many ways. Overseas workers are disclosed of the living and working styles of two countries; therefore, they are open to new challenges given to them. Overseas workers come and work with different cultures and backgrounds, which increases different work ethics so the overseas worker can engage with your clients with different ideas and perspectives.

When the business works with a diverse workforce, it makes you think about your business and ideas in a more dynamic way. The overseas employees work with different personalities so the different leadership styles make your team more adaptable. They are more flexible so flexibility boosts productiveness. Foreign workers can work in diverse teams or even independently which show determination and flexibility to work under any circumstance.